Issue 2 Understanding Science

Terraforming Mars

Credit: shaulliv, Flickr.

You’ve probably heard of terraforming, be it in a game, a movie or Elon Musk’s Twitter feed. Even if not, you’re almost certainly aware of all the buzz around Mars and our plans of colonizing it. The feat of modifying an entire planet to better suit our needs would be as taxing as it sounds, but it has become the topic of serious scientific discussion.

So, could we really do it? And how?

Academic Life BSc Issue 2 Presenting Alumni

Lajos Palanki: The way you approach a problem is more important than the solution itself

Hello, Lajos! Thank you for joining us in our series of interviews. We decided to talk to you because you were one of the foreign participants of the Summer School. Moreover, you decided to continue your education outside of your home country. In your case, you are studying in the UK, but you’re from Hungary.

Let’s first get to know you a bit more…

Issue 2 News

Taking a look at the Znanstvenik u meni finale

Although we had to cancel the Summer School this year, we haven’t been slacking off. In fact, June was quite eventful for us here at EVO.

Besides launching this blog and our alumni newsletter, the finale of our science communication competition, Znanstvenik u meni, was held at Infinum HQ in Zagreb on the 13th of June. Interested?

DIY Science Issue 1

DIY: Lava Lamp

Have you ever seen a lava lamp? Although it might seem complicated, the principle behind it is beautifully simple. Like everything else in science 😉

Issue 1 Science Shoutout

The Model Thinker

“All models are wrong, but some are useful.”

George Box, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century
Issue 1 Understanding Science

How does privacy-protecting exposure tracking make sense?

I know you’re all sick of hearing about coronavirus, but hear me out: this is great news. A new update to iOS and Android has introduced coronavirus contact tracing. 

It’s a genius way to help solve one of today’s most pressing issues in a privacy-protecting and efficient manner. Contact tracing in iOS and Android works in a way that lets epidemiologists alert people when they might have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and tell them to self-isolate, all without anybody knowing who you were with, what you were doing, and where. 

If that sounds too good to be true, get ready for some computer science.

Academic Life Issue 1 PI Presenting Alumni

Anamarija Stafa: Developing love for science without knowing it

Hi, Anamarija, thank you for joining us today for our first session of Presenting Alumni. We are very happy to have you here as our long-standing Alumna. You were our first pick as someone who had a part of their career path abroad, but returned to Croatia in the end.

But first, let’s break the ice by sharing your scientific baby steps…

Issue 1 News

Hello world!

Welcome to the first post of our shiny new blog featuring stories originating from Summer School of Science (S3). Imagine this place as a place of superhero origin stories, where these superheros wear their scientific capes in a variety of fields, trying to make the world a batter place.

But first, let’s start from the beginning…